Monday, May 16, 2011

Hints for UVA Problem Set 800

802 - Lead or Gold

This question can be solved using simplex. The first phase of the two phase method of simplex finds a feasible solution to linear system of equations where all the variables are positive. This is essentially what the question asks for - whether it is possible to experience a vector as linear combination of other vectors given that the coefficients must all be positive.

808 - Bee Breeding

This question can be solved by first converting the cells to hexagonal coordinates as used in 10182 - Bee Maja. Once that is done, the shortest distance between (ax,ay) and (bx, by) is (abs(dx)+abs(dy)+abs(dx+dy))/2 where dx is ax-bx and dy is ay-by.

810 - A Dicey Problem

DFS from the starting position and simulate the dice. If it is possible to reach the end point print the path, else print "No Solution Possible".

811 - The Fortified Forest

Complete search with convex hull problem. Try all subsets of given set and compute the convex hull for each subset and calculate whether it is feasible and choose the minimum-value subset (in case of tie, choose the one with smaller number of trees).

812 - Trade on Verweggistan

This can be solved using a combination of greedy and dynamic programming. The maximum profit is the sum of the maximum profit for each individual pile (which is greedy). To find the number of pruls to buy in total, one has to find out the possible number of pruls to buy in a pile to form the maximum profit for the pile and use dynamic programming to build the solution.

814 - The Letter Carrier's Rounds

Complicated simulation problem. Essentially just follow the instructions given in the question and sort of simulate a SMTP server.

15 - Flooded! (by: Sohel Hafiz)

This is a simulation problem. First sort all the heights in ascending order and then greedily fill it with water. First try to pour it in the lowest region and fill it until the level of the water reaches the second lowest region. And then fill the first and second simultaneously until the level reaches that of the third lowest. And then fill 1st, 2nd and 3rd lowest together until the level reaches that of 4th lowest and so on. Stop pouring until you run out of water.

Critical input:
1 1
0 0

100% regions is not under water.

Alternative: Simulation problem. First sort the elevations by increasing height, then add the water to lowest elevation such that the level of water reaches the second lowest elevation. Then fill both the lowest and second lowest region with water simultaneously and do it till there is no more water left.
BFS. BFS from the starting position and print the path if the end position is reached. If the end position is never reached, print "No Solution Possible" instead.

817 - According to Bartjens
Another complete search problem. Try to place the "+" and "*" at all possible position in the string and compute the equation at the end. If the equation is equal to 2000, print it out. There's one special case to note in this problem which is the output of "2000=" should be "IMPOSSIBLE".

20 - Internet Bandwidth (by: MD Erfan Hoque)
One of the easy network flow problem. Build the graph from the given input. Edges are Bi-directional. One trick is that there might be more than one connection between a pair of nodes. At that time add all bandwidth as the bandwidth of that pairs. Then find maximum flow by using any Network flow algorithm. I think there is no critical case if algorithm is ok.
Alternative: Network flow problem. Just take note that there might be more than one connection between a pair of nodes and that all the connections are bi-directional.

821 - Page Hopping

World final problems... hm... Calculate all pairs shortest path distance (Floyd Warshall), and then output the average. Don't count self edge. Once you can get the sample input correct, most likely you'll get it correct.
Alternative: This problem can be solved using all-pairs shortest pair path algorithm like floyd warshall. Find the shortest pair for all the pairs and take the average of all the pairs that are connected.

824 - Coast Tracker
Starting from the east side (index 6) to north east (index 7) ... 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, until south east side (index 5), check whether that position is a land, if yes, output that direction.
Alternative: Ad-hoc. Just follow the instruction and rotate the direction appropriately looking for the first land.

825 - Walking on the Safe Side

This is a DP problem. Let the number of ways at row r, and col c is p[r][c].
when index is (1,1), p[r][c] is 1 (starting point)
when index (r,c) is blocked, p[r][c] is 0
the rest are initialized to -1 (unused).

Then for all unused cells (r,c) (value is -1),
p[r][c] = p[r-1][c] + p[r][c-1];
This question can be solved using dynamic programming.
Let cnt[r][c] be the number of ways to reach <r,c> from <1,1>
Base case: cnt[1][1] = 1 and cnt[r][c] = 0 if the intersection is unsafe
Formula: cnt[r][c] = cnt[r-1][c] + cnt[r][c-1]

828 - Deciphering Messages
Complete search. Follow the problem's specification and do complete search according to it.

830 - Shark
Floodfill. Do floodfill and determine what sea creature at the current location and update its count. The only problem is that in the judge test case, there is an extra character in each of the row. So read in line by line instead of character by character.
Ad Hoc. Though the question scares people off with the integration sign, it is actually rather simple. Just calculate the total uncovered risk and the total risk and output the percentage of uncovered risk.

833 - Water Falls (by: Jagadish)

First, find the uppermost line the drop can fall on.

A drop d start from coordinate (x,y). To find the topmost point that this drop d can fall on, we must try all lines. If d's x-coordinate is within a line's leftmost x and rightmost x, then this drop d can (probably) fall on this line. Plug in d's x-coordinate to this line equation to obtain the y-coordinate of the drop. If this y-coordinate is lower than y, then drop d really can fall on this line. Iterate through all lines to pick the topmost line... Then decide, whether to drop will go left or to go right based on line picked.

If such line is not found print the x-coordinate of the drop (on the ground).

The question combines both computational geometry and simulation. Firstly, convert all the line segments given to line equations. Given that the water drops from d (x,y), for all the given lines find the coordinate (x,y0) and check whether (x,y0) is part of the line segment and find the maximum y0 <= y in all the lines. If there is no such y0, then print out x. Else simulate the water flowing down to left or right depending on the gradient of the lines and update (x,y) appropriately.

834 - Continued Fractions

Store numerator and denominator values, keep simplifying them until numerator becomes 1.
Alternative: This question is on continued fractions (just as the question name suggest) and can be solved by simplifying the numerator and denominator until the value of numerator is 1.
The question is the same as "The Primes" from IOI 1994. Complete search can be used to solve it and USACO suggested a fast solution to this problem by changing the search order instead of the naive search by trying all possible primes for each row and check whether the columns are diagonals are primes.

It was suggested to fill up the matrix in the following order (which will reduce the search space):
1 3 3 3 2
8 1 7 2 8
10 4 1 5 10
9 2 7 1 9
2 4 6 5 1

836 - Largest Submatrix
This problem is another variation of 108 (Maximum Sum). If you know how to solve 108, then to solve this problem, you can simply do this: Convert all 0 to -X where -X is any big negative number, I use -1000, all 1 remains as 1. Then count the rectangle which has the biggest area using the same algorithm for 108 :-)
Alternative: This problem can be solved using Dynamic programming. Firstly, it is possible to construct a table sum[i][j] (which means the sum of the "1"s from (0,0) to (i,j)). This can be computed in O(N^2). Using the sum table, it is then possible to calculate the sum of the box bounded by (a,b) and (c,d). So choose 2 points and calculate all the possible boxes. This can be done in O(N^4).

837 - Light and Transparencies

You do not need Y-axis values at all... Sort the X-axis coordinates and then use a big array to store all the overall transparency coefficients. Sweep through all lines, multiple these overall coefficients every time you know a line with transparency coefficient t is above them. Output the result as required.
Alternative: Ad Hoc. This problem can be solved using linked list and insertion of new nodes at the appropriate positions.

839 - Not so Mobile

All you need to do is recursively calculate what they want, simple
Alternative: Ad Hoc - fun practice for recursion. Follow the instructions given and recursively calculate what the question wants.

840 - Deadlock Detection
This problem is about finding Strongly Connected Component and Tarjan's algortihm can be used. However, the problem is rather ambiguous about the output. An assumption has to be made that the A < ... < Z < a < ... < z.

844 - Pousse
Simulation. Simulate the game according to the instructions given in the problem.
The problem wants to find the next permutation of the given number with the condition that '5' and '2' can be interchanged and '6' and '9' can be interchanged.
Observation #1: Starting from the end of the number to to front, if at position i we can change the number with another number (greater than the number at position i) that is at position greater than i, then choose that.
Observation #2: After choosing to change, we need to make the number as small as possible, by converting the '5' to '2' and '9' to '6'. Then we sort the ones affected to yield the smallest number.
Observation #3: If we cannot find a position i such that observation #1 is satisfied then it is not possible to form the next permuation. Hence, print "The price cannot be raised."

846 - Steps

Base case:
if x == y, steps = 0
General case:
The most important concept to solve this problem is that the problem description "implies" that the shortest steps must be in a ladder form. 1->2->... increasing -> highest -> .... decreasing -> 2->1. The problem is in determining "highest", since the gap in the middle can be a bit complex. Arithmetic progression formula: n*(n+1)/2 is very helpful here.
To make things easier to understand, I'll use example: x = 1, y = 10
Now, by using Arithmetic Progression (AP) formula from left & right, reduce the gap step by step, until the gap is small enough such that the next AP values will be too big for the gap.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, difference = 9 (10-1)
1<->2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<->10, difference = 7 ((10-1) - 2*AP(1))
1<->2<->3<->4 5 6 7<->8<->9<->10, difference = 3 ((10-1) - 2*AP(2))
current AP value = 2
if AP + 1 >= diff, then the difference can be reached by using only 1 next step move
  output 2*AP + 1
but if AP + 1 < diff, then the difference must be reached using 2 steps.
  output 2*AP + 2
Alternative: This problem can be solved using Binary Search. For each n steps where n is from 1 to 10000, calculate the furthest distance that can be travelled according to the rules in the problem. For every input, use lower_bound to find the number of steps needed.

847 - A multiplication game
It's quite hard to find this rule... however if Stan and Ollie plays perfect game, then Stan will always try to multiply p with 9 and Ollie will always try to multiply p with 2..., so just simulate the process backwards (i.e. from n, you divide by 9, then divide by 2, by 9... etc until n == 1), then check whose turn can make n becomes 1 and output the winner name.

850 - Crypt Kicker II

Ad Hoc (decrypting by "plaintext attack").

852 - Deciding victory in Go

Flood fill (detect area with same kind of border)
empty spaces and keep track border pieces encountered. If all the border pieces are of the same color (either all black or all white), then flood fill that empty spaces to that color. Add the number of pieces on the board to get the final score.

853 - DVD Subtitles

Read each line of input and extract words (continuous strings of alphabets or hyphen) with length>3. Add words from 2 languages to 2 different vectors. For each word, store its string representation and an occurence array indicating the lines in which this word appeared. Remove words which only occured in 1 line. Sort the array of words for language 1 in ascending order. For each word w1, find words w2 in the same langauge with the same occurence. Push w1 and w2 into an empty list. Then with w1, find words w3 in the other language with the same occurrence. Push w3 into another empty list, and sort the list after that. Print these 2 lists.

854 - Worse Code

Huffman Encoding
Take care to handle tricky input, such as sentences with only 1 kind of symbol, and sentences without any valid symbols.
1. Parse input
2. Build huffman tree
3. Calculate cost (number of bits) needed for each character used (A-Z and Space)
4. Sum the total cost (frequency * number of bits)
5. Handle special cases (only 1 kind of character used, or empty sentence)

855 - Lunch in Grid City

Median (found by using sort). Sort both lists of streets and avenues independently and print the median value of both. Choose the smaller of 2 median values.

856 - The Vigenere Cipher

Ad-hoc (generate 3-digit numbers written as text and calculate the vigenere cipher keyword given the plaintext and ciphertext)
To calculate (character-wise) the keyword from the plaintext and ciphertext, shift the cipher alphabet backwards by an amount specified by the plaintext. eg.
plaintext - p (16)
encoded - C (3)
keyword - M (13, as given by 16-3)
To decode the message, generate every number written as text (plaintext) from 999 down to 000. If length of plaintext = length of input string, calculate the keyword using the above method and print.

857 - Quantiser

Ad Hoc (round off to nearest interval). Round off t to nearest intervals of 60 (480/8), filter zero length results and output. Round off formula is ((x+30)/60)*60. If t overflows (=480), cascade to b and m. n^2 search to find zero length results.

858 - Berry Picking

Computation Geometry (calculate length of polygon-line intersection). Store all the polygon edges in an array. For each edge, check if it intersects the scanline (x1 < scanx < x2, where x1 and x2 are x coord of the edge such that x1 < x2). Add each intersecting edge to a list. Store the y coord of each intersection point into a list. Sort the list, and sum the difference between each pair of y coord (ie. (y1-y0) + (y3-y2) + (y5-y4) + ...). This sum gives the length that is cut by the scanline. Check if sum > required threshold.

859 - Chinese Checkers

BFS. Perform a breadth first search from the piece interested to all reachable locations. Also include the special case of single moves. Sort the results by decreasing row then increasing column then output.

860 - Entropy Text Analyzer

Tokenize the text with given seperating characters. Count the number of token (that is, "words") and keep track of its frequency using a c++ map.
lambda = number of tokens
n = size of frequency map
p_i = frequency of word i
Use the given formula to calculate E_T, E_max AND E_rel. Note the limiting cases for lambda = 0 and E_max = 0, where the result values may be undefined (substitute with zero in that case).

Brute force/backtracking + Precalculate. Solve for white and black squares independently. For each position, place a bishop and increment the number of ways that i-th bishops can be placed. For this bishop, loop thru all valid positions "after" it and recursively try to place another bishop.
To combine the white and black squares, note that the number of ways to place k bishops is the sum of number of ways to place i bishops on white squares and k-i bishops on black squares, where 0 <= i <= k.

865 - Substitution Cypher
Ad-hoc (substitution encryption)
DFS. For each cell (left to right) on the first row, perform DFS from that cell. At each level, the current number and current subsequence (given by the largest number until which we reset to 1 again) is stored. Neighboring cells are reachable only if its value equals the next number in the sequence. Traverse the entire search tree and if multiple exits (cells on the last row) are found, save only the left-most one. If at least 1 path is found from this cell on the first row, no need to continue DFS on the other cells on the first row.

869 - Airline Comparison
Disjoint Set. Build a disjoint-set data structure to keep track of the connectivity between cities for both airlines. For each pair of cities (i,j), check if connectivity of (i,j) in airline 1 is the same as in airline2 (n^2 comparisons). Assume that cities are represented by characters A to Z.

871 - Counting Cells in a Blob
Flood fill (find largest area).
Ad-hoc (bitmap "quadtree" decoding and run-length encoding)

880 - Cantor Fractions
Derive a closed form formula from the number of elements in a triangle y=x(x+1)/2=f(x). Consider f(x-1)+1 and find its inverse, x=[1+sqrt(1+8(y-1))]/2.
Ad hoc + prime generation

892 - Finding Words (by: Saatvik Agarwal)

In this problem all we have to do is remove the punctuation (use ctype.h is alpha()) and take care of the hyphens by putting the hyphenated word on the next line.
Alternative: Read each line and loop thru each character c (including end line), and print it if isalpha(c) or c == {' ' or '\n'}. When there is a hyphen at the end of line, mark the pointers where additional newlines should appear, and print the newlines them appropriately when the characters are printed. Use a flag to indicate a hyphen is encountered.
For each word in dictionary, count the frequency of each character ['a'..'z']. Then, for each query, also count the frequency of each character. Set total word = 0, then scan through the dictionary one by one, whenever the number of frequency of that particular word in dictionary can be formed using the given query, increase total word by one. This approach is much faster than enumerating all possible permutation of the query and then check it whether it is inside the dictionary.
Alternative: For each word in dictionary, compute and store letter frequency table. For each query word, compute its letter frequency and compare that with each word in dictionary. If every letter in a dictionary word has a frequency lesser than or equal to the frequency of the same letter in the query word, this word can be formed.
Ad hoc + prime number pre-generation.