Best Article on Programming

Best Article on Programming


·        Top 100 C Questions Asked in Actual Interviews

·        Don’t use scanf() when reading sentences

·        Use make file

·        Doing calculations

·        Give Proper Names to Your Variables

·        Always write if statements with braces

·        Test pieces of your code early

·        Reuse Old Code

·        Standard Loop Progression

·        Backups using CVS save you lot of space

·        Use STL containers instead of C arrays

·        Use multiple files

·        Think before you code

·        Executing system commands

·        Use Good Variable And Function Names

·        Converting numbers to Strings

·        Make backups

·        Why can’t variables be declared in a switch statement?

·        Comment!

·        What Does {0} Mean in C?

·        Make libraries for yourself

·        Write it out on paper

·        Use templates to prevent memory leakage

·        Flowcharts

·        Initialize all variables before use

·        Common Optimization Tips

·        Turn on all compiler warnings

·        Keep a cool head when programming

·        match the out side world ideas to logical designing

·        Goto vs. Higher-level control structures

·        The many meanings of NULL

·        Turn off optimization when debugging

·        Use const variables as function parameters

·        Effective Modularity in Programming

·        Loop condition

·        Compiler tip

·        Fix all compiler warnings

·        var++ & ++var

·        Tips for C

·        Print ip, email addressess or urls found in text